showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Alone in the Dark: Inferno  Atari (Eden Games)2008 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aloneinthedark amnesia bellyofawhale blinking capacity-slots city-newyork-ny collapsingstructure dark darkfantasy dimensionalbreach driving enhanced firearms forest fullbodyawareness havokphysics healing-active improvisedweapons insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist judeochristianmythology kynapse lamp langmandarin light limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters museum naturaldisasters nohud northamerica npcspawning pyrrhicvictory savepoints sciencefantasy serious shadows survivalhorror thermalweapons wildfire zombies Supposedly has more content than the other versions.***Working title: Alone in the Dark: Near Death Investigation

Started sometime around 2004.
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009 aaa abominations achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adv-static aimmode alienanimals ambush ammomagazines animals arid assaultrifles autoshotguns bayonets borderlands-series bountyhunting burrowers canyon capacity-slots cheapdeath circadiancycle clones clothdyeing compass containers crossworldcharacters damageindicator damagetypes deathpenalty deathworld difficulty-players driving dynamicaccuracy elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator freelancing gamespy grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups hillland insectoids inventory ironsights itemgenerator itemglow jumping knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random lootemup map mercenaryprotagonist mpfocus mutants npcspawning nplayers objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator opponentpowerdisplay otherworld outlaws precisionrifles premadecharacters proceduralitemappearance pve rating-esrb-m reload-auto reload-manual revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets secondwind secrets serverbrowser shieldregen shopping shotguns socialnetwork spacewestern submachineguns town trampling tutorial unknownpast unrealengine3 upgrades-capacity vehicleflip vehiclepainting walking wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal Latest version: 1.20 (as of ?)***For 1-4 players, cooperative.***As the first title in an all-new sci-fi action franchise, Borderlands combines the best elements of Gearbox Software's first-person action titles with player customization and vehicular combat. Borderlands features a unique content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands is a cooperative experience, allowing for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online. Players can freely join or leave each other’s games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. Borderlands features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles. More details to follow. labelimagesubject
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr aimassist alcohol assaultrifles axes bludgeons bonebreaking bossbattles burning capacity-slots chapters chargers chromeengine city collectibles containers controlschemes corpselooting coupdegrace cpplanguage crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites crossworldcharacters dark-limited daylighthorror deadisland-series deadlywater deathpenalty decoys diaries difficulty-charscaling disarming dismemberment distortedvision dodging doors driving elitemobs endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects facebookconnect falldamage fictionallocation firearms forest genderchoice gore grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted honorablefoes hotel hud-dynamic improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades indicator-poi indicator-route interrupting inventory invisiblewalls island itemdurability itemgenerator itemglow karmiccreatures knives knockback knockdown laboratory ladders lamp levelbasedeq limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup map meleeweapons motionblur mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin multiseaters music-hiphop neutralnpcs newgameplus noanimals nochildren npcasphyxiation npcinjuries nplayers objectiveindicator obsoletedassets oceania openworld opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks outlaws pacificocean pain papuanewguinea playerstats premadecharacters priceinfo prison quickkeys radialmenu rage rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 repairing repulsion resort resourcetransfer resuscitation safezone scavenging scientists screenshake search searchedindicator sellundo shallowwater shopping shotguns shovels slobbery slowmotion soldiers splatter stomping stranded suicideattackers supermode survivalhorror swords targetident throwanything thrownweapons trampling tribals tropic unethicalscience valveanticheat walking waypoints weaponupgrades xp-kills xp-other zombieapocalypse zombies labelminimizeminimize
Dead Space Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2008 2410s 26thcentury aaa achillesheelfoes acrostictext actionadventure alientechnology amalgams ammomagazines anatomicdamage arcwords asphyxiation augmentedreality beamweapons biogrowth bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-toolslots carnographic chargingweapons cipherlang cliffhanger clingers comic compositefoes damagemodeling dark deadengine deadspace dementia derelict diegeticui disclaunchers dismemberment elevators energyweapons engineerprotagonist erraticfoes everyonesdead extraterrestrial firearms flamethrowers future giantmonsters glowsuits gore grotesque gunclubbing hospital hud-explained hyperenemies industrial-setting infestation insaneprotagonist inventory inventory-supplies isolatedlocale itemglow juggernauts lamp lasersight limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected meteoroids middleagedprotagonist monsters monstrouschildren movie mutants nocrosshair npcgenerators obligation openended otherworld outbreak plasmaweapons powertools publictransit quicktimeevent researchfacility savepoints scientists sequence-turret serious sessilecreatures shopping silentprotagonist silentvoid slobbery spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacesuit splittingcreatures stomping stranded suicide survivalhorror technomagic tentaclecreatures thermalweapons tinyfoes traproom unarmedfighting uncertainending upgrades-capacity upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystem weaponupgrades whispers zero-g Set in the cold blackness of deep space, the atmosphere is soaked with a feeling of tension, dread and sheer terror. In Dead Space , players step into the role of engineer Isaac Clarke – an ordinary man on a seemingly routine mission to fix the communications systems aboard a deep space mining ship. It is not long before Isaac awakes to a living nightmare when he learns that the ship's crew has been ravaged by a vicious alien infestation. He must fight through the dead silence and darkness of deep space to stay alive.
[EA [newsletter]]
Dead Space 2  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2011 26thcentury aaa achillesheelfoes actionadventure arcwords asphyxiation assaultrifles augmentedreality biogrowth bodyhorror capacity-slots capacity-toolslots carnographic chargers chargingweapons childvictims cipherlang clingers containers dark deadspace deathfakers derelict diaries diegeticui difficulty direct2drive disclaunchers dismemberment doors doors-autoclosing energystations energyweapons engineerprotagonist erraticfoes extraterrestrial fanservice-tech flamethrowers future glowingeyes glowsuits gore graphicdeaths gunclubbing hallucinations healingitems hospital hud-dynamic hud-explained indicator-route industrial-setting infestation insaneprotagonist inventory inventory-supplies itemglow juggernauts jumpscares karmiccreatures lamp limitedcapacity limitedsupplies loot-random loot-unexpected lunatics mines monsters multilingual newgameplus nojumping npchiding objectiveindicator plasmaweapons postcreditsscene precisionrifles quicktimeevent rating-esrb-m recap recurrence-location redemption rewardingvandalism seamlessworld sequence-escape serialkey serious slobbery spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacestation spacesuit spawners spearguns splatter splittingcreatures stash stomping suicideattackers survivalhorror swarmers telekinesis temple train-location tripmines unarmedfighting upgradesystem visiblelasers walking whispers zero-g labelimageminimize
Deadly Premonition  Marvelous Entertainment;Rising Star Games (Access Games)2010 actionadventure capacity-slots circadiancycle city dartsgame detectivemystery difficulty driving dynamicweather fatigue fbi fishing handguns healing healing-instant healingitems hunger indicator-poi inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow map meleeweapons minigames monologues nojumping objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks playerstats psmove quicktimeevent rating-cero-d reload-auto reload-manual resting savepoints shopping shotguns singlesave stamina uvl-missingimages walking xbydifferentname zombies Originally only released in Japan, later Rising Star Games published the somewhat extended and updated Director's Cut version in April 2013 in North America and Europe. labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2011 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons bilingualdialogue blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries diegeticui distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stockfootage stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme thirdoption transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange labelimageminimize
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir  Atlus (Vanillaware)2016 actionrpg adv-static agriculture alternatingprotagonist animals bizarreflora blocking bossbattles capacity-slots cave chapters chargers chemistry containers cooking criware crystals currency-split difficulty difficulty-ingame dissolvingitems dragons elimination forest framestory frequentloading gameprogress giants gliding hackandslash healingitems highbornprotagonist hypermuscles inventory itempickup-normal jewelry jumping knights leporoids levelselection limitedcapacity magic magicweapons meleeweapons midairjumping minibosses minimap multipleperspectives mystics mythicfiction neutralnpcs nonlinearstory obsoletedassets oopcharacters perspectiveflip plains polearms potions prophecy puppetanimation radar rating-esrb-t redeemingbeatdown rpgelements score seeds shopping sorcery spears spiritualsuccessor spritemorphing stamina stylized summery sweepingstrikes swords town tutorial valkyries volcanic walking war wingedhumanoids wintery worldtree wrappingworld xp-multi xp-objects labelimageminimize
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009 achillesheelfoes actionadventure africa airboat ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints biotechnology bodyarmor bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-stacks companion containers cooperation crocodilians diaries difficulty dissolvingitems distortedvision doors earth elevatorbattle elevators explosiveobjects firearms gianthumanoids giantmonsters grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-impact grotesque handguns hatchers havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow keys knives ladders latemodernperiod limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected map monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival mtframework multilingual newgameplus objectiveindicator obligation obsoletedassets pain precisionrifles prematuredetonation present prologue quicktimeevent ragers rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-18 rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 recurringopponent redeemingbeatdown reload-manual researchfacility residentevil residentevil-main restorepower rewardingvandalism rockets ruins secretfacility sequence-turret serious shallowwater shopping shore shotguns speech-african stationaryattack stungrenades stunning stunprods submachineguns subterranean targetdesignator telescope tentaclecreatures thermalweapons town tutorial upgrades-permanent upgradesystem watercraft-location weaponupgrades wetland zombies The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player¿s spines.
Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe.
After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures.
He is joined by a new partner, Sheva Alomar, who lends her strength, intelligence and sharp-shooting skills to the mission.
In order to survive, Chris and Sheva must work together to take on the challenges of discovering the truth behind this evil plot.
Utilizing a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, players will be able to assume control of either Chris or Sheva and experience Resident Evil in new ways.
In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will have players fearing the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.***